While Clear Channel has kept shock jock Michael Savage on its airwaves, a radio host in South Carolina is fired for speaking out against the war. Roxanne Walker says Clear Channel also forced her to attend pro-war rallies.
A campaign in Santa Cruz was launched yesterday to remove Michael Savage from the Clear Channel owned radio station KNEW that airs Savage’s daily show.
On Monday, the television network MSNBC fired Savage__ after he told a caller on his television show “Get AIDS and Die You Pig.”
Savage may be off MSNBC, but he remains on over 300 radio stations including many owned by Clear Channel.
While you can still hear Savage’s voice on Clear Channel, listeners in Greenville, S.C. can no longer hear the voice of popular morning show host Roxanne Walker on the Clear Channel station there, WMYI.
In 2002 she was named Radio Personality of the Year by the South Carolina Broadcasters Association. But on April 17 she was fired. She filed a lawsuit on Monday against Clear Channel and the station charging she was fired for political reasons because she opposed the war in Iraq.
- Roxanne Walker, former news and public service director for the Clear Channel owned station WMYI in Greenville, S.C.
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