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US Seeks To Control What Europeans Eat

HeadlineAug 19, 2003

The Bush administration yesterday asked the World Trade Organization to force the European Union to lift its ban on new genetically modified food. The U.S. is attempting to force European nations into selling some 30 US biotech food products.

Washington’s request comes one month before a major trade meeting in Cancun, Mexico.

Linnet Deily, the US WTO envoy, claimed yesterday that Europe’s ban on genetically modified food was unfair to other countries.

However anti-GM campaigners protested the US move.

Martin Rocholl, of Friends of the Earth Europe said, “The US administration, funded by the likes of GMO giant Monsanto, is using the undemocratic and secretive WTO to force feed the world GM foods.”

Rocholl continued, “Decisions about the food we eat should be made in Europe and not in the White House, the WTO or Monsanto’s HQ.”

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