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Israel Assassinates Top Hamas Leader

HeadlineAug 21, 2003

Israeli forces have assassinated a senior leader of Hamas and two others just hours ago as an Israeli warplane bombed a car in Gaza City carrying Ismail Abu Shanab and two other Palestinians. And in the West Bank, Israeli tanks have moved into Nablus and Jenin and are on the outskirts of Ramallah. And in the West Bank town of TulKarem, Israeli forces shot and killed a 16-year-old Palestinian boy and wounded five others.

The moves come two days after a suicide bombing in Jerusalem that killed 20 people including six children and five Americans citizens.

Meanwhile Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas ordered his forces to find the Hamas members who organized Tuesday’s bombing which was the deadliest since the second Intifada began. The Guardian of London reports fear is growing that a civil war between Palestinians could break out if Abbas cracks down too heavily on Hamas or Islamic Jihad.

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