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Gephard Accuses Dean of Dirty Tricks in Iowa

HeadlineJan 09, 2004

Democratic presidential candidate Richard Gephardt’s manager accused Howard Dean’s presidential campaign of planning to sneak non-Iowans into the state’s caucuses to pose as state residents and support Dean. Dean’s campaign manager denied the charge. Meanwhile the Dean campaign in Iowa has fired two workers who were accused of trying to infiltrate John Kerry’s campaign.

Clark Gains In Poll, Madonna Jumps On Board
A leading poll in New Hampshire has found that Gen. Wesley Clark has now moved into second place in that state’s primary edging out John Kerry who is a senator from neighboring Massachusetts. Howard Dean, the former governor of Vermont, remains in first place. Meanwhile a major national poll has found that Dean and Clark are now in a statistical dead heat. Meanwhile pop star Madonna has written an open letter on her website urging her fans to back Clark for president. Madonna was introduced to Clark by filmmaker Michael Moore. The New York Times reports Clark is using Madonna’s support as part of an effort to win more votes from women. As part of his effort, the General has discarded his regular navy blue suit, red tie and loafers for argyle sweaters, corduroys and duck boots.

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