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Kerry & Bush Clash Over Iraq Before Debate

HeadlineOct 08, 2004

On the campaign trail, Senator John Kerry claimed that President Bush and Vice President Cheney “may well be the last two people on the planet who can’t face the truth about Iraq.” Kerry’s comments came as Bush and Cheney attempted to claim that the CIA’s new report on Iraq justified the invasion. The 900-page report found Saddam Hussein had no chemical, biological or nuclear weapons and that Iraq’s threat to the world was decreasing at the time of the invasion. But Bush and Cheney seized on portions of the report that said Saddam Hussein one day wanted to again have weapons of mass destruction. Bush said “He retained the knowledge, the materials, the means and the intent to produce weapons of mass destruction.” Bush added “he could have passed that knowledge on to our terrorist enemies.”

Ex-Weapons Inspector on Saddam: “Intent Without Capabilities is Not an Imminent Threat”
Former weapons inspector David Kay disagreed with Bush’s claim. He said on The Today show “Look, Saddam was delusional. He had a lot of intent. He didn’t have capabilities. Intent without capabilities is not an imminent threat.”

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