Attorney General John Ashcroft and Commerce Secretary Don Evans have both announced they are resigning from President Bush’s cabinet. Ashcroft was widely criticized by civil liberties groups and was seen as one of the most divisive members of the Bush administration. He shepherded the USA Patriot Act through Congress. He oversaw the detention of thousands of Arabs and Muslims after Sept. 11. In December of 2001 he warned Senators that criticism of the government’s tactics “only aids terrorists.” And he dismissed critics of the Patriot Act, as “hysterics.” Anthony Romero, the head of the American Civil Liberties Union, yesterday said “His legacy will show that he was one of the worst attorney generals in American history, with an outright hostility for civil liberties and overt disdain for critics.” Ashcroft said yesterday that he would continue to serve as Attorney General until his successor is confirmed.
John Ashcroft & Don Evans Resigns
HeadlineNov 10, 2004