The attack on Fallujah has been widely condemned inside Iraq. One of the country’s major Sunni political parties, the Iraqi Islamic Party, announced today that it is pulling out of the interim Iraqi government in protest of the US invasion of Fallujah. And the influential Sunni group, Association of Muslim Scholars, issued an edict warning Iraqi soldiers not to take part in the invasion. The edict read in part “Beware of being deceived that you are fighting terrorists from outside the country, because by God you are fighting the townspeople and targeting its men, women and children and history will record every drop of blood you spill in oppressing the people of your nation.” Shiite leader Moqtada al Sadr has also called on Iraqis not to fight alongside the U.S.
Major Sunni Party Pulls Out of Iraq Gov’t
HeadlineNov 09, 2004