Meanwhile the Wall Street Journal has raised questions over the recent sale of $4.4 million in Taser stock by Bernard Kerik, Bush’s pick to head the Department of Homeland security. Kerik who serves on the board of the stun gun manufacturer sold off his stock in the company on Nov. 11–more than three weeks before he was nominated for the homeland security post. But the sale also came just two weeks before a Nov. 26th article in the New York Times that questioned whether recent government reports had actually proven the safety of the stun guns. In the weeks before the article was published the entire Taser board, including Kerik, as well as several executives, sold off more than $90 million in the company’s stock. The Journal estimates Kerik made a profit of $4.4 million on his stock sale. After the Times article was published, the company’s stock plunged 7 percent.
Questions Raised Over Bernard Kerik’s Sale of Taser Stock
HeadlineDec 10, 2004