The Washington Post has revealed the CIA has been operating a top-secret detention center inside Guantanamo Bay base isolated from the Pentagon’s jail and outside the reach of the International Red Cross. The Post reports the president has signed a directive that allows the CIA to capture and detained certain types of suspects without accounting for them in any public way and without revealing the rules for their treatment. The roster of who has been disappeared by the CIA is not made public. One military official described the unit as “off-limits to nearly everyone on the base.” The level of secrecy is so high about the CIA jail that the Washington Post reported it could not confirm if the jail is even still open. Since Sept. 11 the CIA has operated a number of these top secret jails including the Bagram air base in Afghanistan, on ships at sea, on the island of Diego Garcia and in Thailand.
CIA Operating Top Secret Base in Guantanamo
HeadlineDec 17, 2004