The editors of the Washington Post have accused the Bush administration of committing war crimes in Iraq and at Guantanamo Bay. The paper charges that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has all but lied when he claimed the Abu Ghraib prison scandal was an isolated event carried out by low-ranking reservists. Citing the recently released government documents by the ACLU, the Post editors write “The new documents establish beyond any doubt that every part of this cover story is false.” The newly released documents catalog the systematic abuse of detainees including beatings, chokings, prolonged sleep deprivation and humiliations such as being wrapped in an Israeli flag. Mock executions and torture by electric shock were also carried out. The editors at the Post write “the documents also confirm that interrogators at Guantanamo believed they were following orders from Mr. Rumsfeld.”
Washington Post Accuses U.S. Of Committing War Crimes
HeadlineDec 23, 2004