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Ashcroft Subpoenas Medical Records of Patients Who Had Abortions

HeadlineFeb 12, 2004

The New York Times is reporting the Justice Department is demanding that at least six hospitals in New York City, Philadelphia and elsewhere turn over hundreds of medical records of patients who underwent certain forms of abortions. The Justice Department claims the records are needed to determine if what is known by some as partial birth abortions, are medically necessary. Hospitals have claimed the request violates the privacy rights of patients. But a federal judge in Manhattan last week ruled the hospitals must comply A spokesperson for Naral Pro-Choice America said “This notion of John Ashcroft poring over medical records in a fairly unprecedented type of fishing expedition is exactly the type of privacy invasion that worries people. The government just shouldn’t be involving itself in private medical decisions and second-guessing doctors’ ability to advise their patients properly.”

Comcast Seeks To Buy Disney
The country’s largest cable television operator Comcast announced Wednesday a bid to buy the Disney company in an effort to form the world’s largest media coporation. Disney’s media holdings include the ABC network, ESPN and the Disney and Miramax movie studios. We’ll have more on this later in the show.

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