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White House Releases Classified 9/11 Document

HeadlineApr 12, 2004

On Saturday, the White House released a once top secret memo that warned President Bush some 36 days before the Sept. 11 attacks that Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was determined to strike inside the U.S.

The memo reported that the FBI had found, “patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.”

The memo also states that the FBI was conducting 70 full field investigations connected to Bin Laden throughout the country.

The report was declassified two days after National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice claimed the August 6 Presidential Daily Briefing was a “historical memo” that did not merit special action.

Bush received the briefing at his ranch in Crawford Texas on Aug 6, 2001 where he continued to vacation.

On Sunday Bush, on another trip to Texas, defended his administration’s handling of the Al Qaeda threat pre-9/11. He said, “I am satisfied that I never saw any intelligence that indicated there was going to be an attack on America–at a time and a place, an attack.”

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