New details in the prison torture scandal in Iraq have emerged as the Washington Post has obtained hundreds of more photos of abuse as well as sworn statements by detainees at Abu Ghraib describing the torture. One photo showed a naked prisoner who appears to be covered in excrement being paraded down a hallway. Another shows a U.S. soldier beating detainees sprawled on the floor. A video shows a prisoner slamming his head repeatedly into a metal door, that he is shackled to, until he collapses. In sworn testimony, prisoners have reported they were force-fed pork and alcohol against their Muslim religion. One detainee said a soldier asked him if he believed in anything. The prisoner said “I said to him, 'I believe in Allah.' So he said, 'But I believe in torture and I will torture you.'” Then the soldier hit the detained man who had a broken leg and ordered him to curse Islam. The prisoner said “Because they started to hit my broken leg, I curse my religion. They ordered me to thank Jesus I’m alive.”