Calls increased Thursday for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to step down for his handling of the prison abuse scandal in Iraq. Presidential candidate John Kerry, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, Senator Tom Harkin as well as the New York Times all called for Rumsfeld to resign. Congressman Charles Rangel called for Rumsfeld’s impeachment. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts placed the blame not on Rumsfeld, but on Bush. He said “The tragedy unfolding in Iraq is the direct result of a colossal failure of leadership. The president has failed the Iraqi people, and he has failed America.” Today Rumsfeld will testify before the Senate Armed Forces Committee. One Republican staffer predicted “If he says anything arrogant, it’s over.” CNN is reporting Rumsfeld will announce today plans to form an independent panel to review how the Pentagon handling of the Iraqi prisoner scanda.
Kerry Calls For Rumsfeld To Resign
HeadlineMay 07, 2004