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Greece Allows Troops at Olympics

HeadlineJul 21, 2004

Under intense pressure from the United States, Greece has said it will allow 400 American Special Forces soldiers to be present at the Olympic Games next month and will also permit US, Israeli and possibly British security officers to carry weapons. The decision represents a significant departure from Olympic tradition, as well as from Greek law, which prohibits foreign personnel from carrying weapons within the country. Until now, the only nation known to have armed its security forces at the Olympics is Israel, whose agents have been carrying arms largely without prior approval from host countries since 1972, when a Palestinian group killed Israeli athletes and officials in the Olympic Village in Munich.

In addition to the Special Forces, the agreements call for 100 armed American agents to be used largely as bodyguards for American athletes and dignitaries. The F.B.I. is also sending a hostage rescue team, as well as evidence-gathering and analysis personnel who will be pressed into service in the event of an attack. An American law enforcement official said they these officers would also be armed.

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