The famed film director tells DN! “If we want to get our boys, or women and men out of Iraq, we better vote for Kerry and Edwards. I don’t want the draft coming back.” [includes rush transcript]
Last night at the Democratic National Convention we bumped into Academy award-winning director and actor Spike Lee who was standing beside the Rev. Sharpton and his family.
- Spike Lee, Academy-Award Winning Film Director
AMY GOODMAN: What do you think of the convention? And what—
SPIKE LEE: I just got here and I’m leaving. I came to see Reverend Al speak.
AMY GOODMAN: What did you think?
SPIKE LEE: He rocked the mic!
AMY GOODMAN: What do you think of Senator Kerry?
SPIKE LEE: I’ll vote for him. We got to change the direction this country is going. And that direction is going to hell.
AMY GOODMAN: What do you think of the invasion?
SPIKE LEE: I didn’t drink the Kool-Aid.
AMY GOODMAN: The platform here is not against war, there’s very little expression against war or the USA PATRIOT ACT even though the overwhelming number of majority of delegates are against both.
SPIKE LEE: Well, look, that’s something they can work on. But first point of business is to get Bush out of office this coming November.
AMY GOODMAN: Which way do you think would do it? Kerry moving to the right? Or expressing more dissent?
SPIKE LEE: I don’t think it’s a question of movement to the left or right. You speak clearly to the American people on what is happening, they are going to make the smart decision. I really feel that.
AMY GOODMAN: What do you think are the gravest issues that have to be addressed right now?
SPIKE LEE: Here? Oh, we talk about, you know, this United States plan to rule the policemen all around the world. I think we really got to deal with public education, too, you know? You got to deal with violence. There’s a plethora of issues to deal with, you know. This is no joke being the President of the United States of America. You know. You just don’t play golf all the time. Oops. [laughter]
AMY GOODMAN: What about the people who don’t vote, which is a majority of people?
SPIKE LEE: No, a lot of people are getting out there to mobilize people to register people to vote. People are going to show up and hopefully the votes will be counted this time.
AMY GOODMAN: Are you doing anything to get people out to vote?
SPIKE LEE: I tell everybody I see vote, vote, vote. Everywhere I go in America.
AMY GOODMAN: What about those who say but the Democratic candidate john Kerry and John Edwards, they didn’t vote against the invasion, they voted for it. Where is the difference?
SPIKE LEE: Look, that might be the case. But if we want to get our boys, our women and men out of Iraq, we better vote for Kerry and Edwards. I don’t want the draft coming back. That’s what’s going to happen if Bush wins. Come on. How do you think Halliburton’s going to make money if there’s no war. You know? You don’t think they want to get another $8 billion contract without a bid? Shoot, they will probably double, you know, they got $8 billion this time, the next war, they will get $16 billion!
AMY GOODMAN: What role do you think Hollywood can play in this?
SPIKE LEE: Hey, Michael Moore, he’s made a difference. And you watch, the day after elections, don’t be surprised if people say the difference was Fahrenheit 9/11. Don’t sleep on it. Thank you.
AMY GOODMAN: That was Academy Award winning film maker Spike Lee speaking to us just inside the FleetCenter, part of the Reverend Al Sharpton entourage.
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