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Sadr Offers Possible Truce, US Threatens Attack

HeadlineAug 19, 2004

In Najaf, U.S. tanks have surrounded the holy Imam Ali Shrine site where Shiite Cleric Moqtada al Sadr is believed to be holed up. Yesterday associates of Sadr suggested he was ready to vacate the shrine and disarm his militia after 10 days of fighting. Al Jazeera is reporting that Sadr also demanded the US withdraw from the holy city. Instead the US has moved closer to surrounding one of the holiest sites in the Muslim world–the holy shrine. CNN is reporting the US and Iraqi forces may use military action within the next day if Sadr does not personally and publicly announce he is disarming. Iraq’s Defense Minister said “The coming hours will be decisive and we will teach them a lesson they will never forget.” Meanwhile in Baghad, U.S. forces stormed into Sadr City in Baghdad and reportedly killed 50 Iraqis.

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