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CAIR Questions U.S. Treatment of Cat Stevens

HeadlineSep 24, 2004

The Council on American Islamic Relations has called on President Bush to explain why the singer Cat Stevens, also known as Yusuf Islam, was denied entry to the country this week. The singer was on board a trans-Atlantic flight when officials learned his name appeared on a terror watch list. The plane was diverted to Maine and the singer was denied entry to the country. In a statement group CAIR said that treating “mainstream and moderate Muslims like Yusuf Islam as if they are criminals or terrorists, without bringing charges or allowing due process, sends the message to the Islamic world that even those who seek peace and condemn terror are not fit to enter the United States.” Back in London Islam said he had felt victimized by the process. He said “The one positive thing I can say is that a lot of security officers are very pleased because they got my autograph.”

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