In an expose in the New York Daily News, Democracy Now co-host Juan Gonzalez has uncovered the story of how a new-born baby may have suffered deformities because her father was exposed to depleted uranium in Iraq. Army National Guard Specialist Darren Matthew tested positive for uranium contamination after he returned from Iraq. He suffered constant migraine headaches, blurred vision, blackouts and a burning sensation whenever he urinated. Shortly after he returned home, his wife became pregnant. When his daughter, Victoria Claudette, was born on June 29 she was missing three fingers and most of her right hand. The family believes the deformities are a result of the depleted uranium contamination. The Daily News headlined the story “The War’s Littlest Victim.” Matthew told the Daily News “I just want answers. Are they [the Army] going to take care of my baby?”
Depleted Uranium Causes Deformities In Baby of GI
HeadlineSep 29, 2004