Meanwhile, Iraq’s national intelligence chief said yesterday that the number of resistance fighters in Iraq has grown to more than 200,000 active fighters and sympathizers. General Mohammed Abdullah Shahwani told Agence France Press, “I think the resistance is bigger than the US military in Iraq. I think the resistance is more than 200,000 people.” He said the number includes at least 40,000 hardcore fighters but rises to more than 200,000 members counting part-time fighters and volunteers who provide rebels everything from intelligence and logistics to shelter. The numbers far exceed any figure presented by the US military in Iraq. A senior US military officer declined to endorse or dismiss the spy chief’s numbers, telling AFP, “As for the size of the insurgency, we don’t have good resolution on the size.” The US-backed spy chief also questioned the success of the November campaign to retake Fallujah, which US forces have hailed as a major victory against the resistance. Asked if the insurgents were winning, he answered, “I would say they aren’t losing.”
Iraq Intelligence Chief: The Resistance is Bigger Than US Military
HeadlineJan 04, 2005