Meanwhile Sunni leaders are threatening to boycott the October 15th vote on the constitution after Iraqi leaders changed the rules for ratification that will make it almost impossible for the constitution to be rejected. Under the new rules, the constitution will fail only if two-thirds of all registered voters reject it in at least three of the 18 provinces. Originally the constitution could have been defeated if two-thirds of all those actually casting ballots rejected it in three provinces. Sunni leaders are accusing the Shiite leadership of fixing the vote on the constitution. One secular Sunni lawmaker–Adnan al-Janabi–said, “This is a mockery of democracy, a mockery of law. Many Sunnis have been telling me they didn’t believe in this democratic process, and now I believe they are vindicated.” The rules were changed on Sunday during an unannounced vote in Parliament.
Sunnis Accuses Shiites Of Fixing Vote on Constitution
HeadlineOct 04, 2005