On Monday President Bush called for a series of new border-security measures aimed at undocumented immigrants. Bush called for stronger border enforcement with high-tech detection systems, larger centers to detain those captured, swifter proceedings to deport them and increased policing of illegal immigrants in the interior. Bush also repeated his proposal for a temporary worker program. While many Republicans have criticized the proposal, Humberto Fuentes, of the Farmworker Justice Fund, praised the guest worker program. Fuentes said “It’s unrealistic to think that 8 or 10 million undocumented workers are just going to pick up and leave.” Fuentes went on to say “They made a living here, and have families and kids in school. So we need to look at a comprehensive approach, and provide a door–an opportunity to get their legal papers in order.”
Bush Lays Out New Immigration Proposals
HeadlineNov 29, 2005