Newly released FBI documents provide new evidence that the agency helped a group of Saudis leave the United States days after the Sept. 11 attacks. The documents show the F.B.I. gave personal airport escorts to two prominent Saudi families who fled the United States. A total of 160 Saudis–including members of Osama Bin Laden’s family–left in the week after the attacks. According to the New York Times, the F.B.I. documents left open the possibility that some departing Saudis had information relevant to the Sept. 11 investigation but were never questioned. 15 of the 19 hijackers on Sept. 11 were from Saudi Arabia. One FBI memo from 2003 read '’Although the F.B.I. took all possible steps to prevent any individuals who were involved in or had knowledge of the attacks from leaving the U.S. before they could be interviewed. It is not possible to state conclusively that no such individuals left the U.S. without F.B.I. knowledge.'’
New Documents Show FBI Helped Saudis Leave Post 9/11
HeadlineMar 29, 2005