In Lebanon, between 500,000 and 1.5 million people filled the streets of Beirut in a massive pro-Syrian demonstration Tuesday organized by Hizbullah. The protest came after three weeks of smaller anti-Syrian demonstrations. The U.S., Israel and other nations have been calling on Syria to withdraw its 15,000 troops from Lebanese soil. The demonstrators denounced what they see as western interference in Lebanon. Banners read “Thank you, Syria’s Assad” … “No to foreign Interference” and “Beirut is free, America out,” Leaders of Hizbullah warned of mayhem if Syrian troops were to leave the country that suffered a 15-year-civil war between 1975 and 1990 that killed about 150,000. Meanwhile Syrian troops have begun moving toward eastern Lebanon, closer to the Syrian border. The move is part of a two-stage redeployment announced Monday.
Over 500,000 Protest in Pro-Syrian Rally in Beirut
HeadlineMar 09, 2005