This update on the John Bolton confirmation process–the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has put off for another week a vote on Bolton’s nomination to serve as ambassador to the United Nations. On Wednesday Democratic Senator Christopher Dodd asked the committee’s chair Republican Richard Lugar to hold a third public hearing on Bolton’s nomination. Thus would allow testimony from a top CIA official and three State Department officials. The New York Times reports that in closed-door interviews all four officials have provided accounts of two episodes in which, they said, Bolton sought to remove intelligence analysts from their posts. In addition, the Times reports Dodd has requested that Bolton explain to the committee why he made several requests of the National Security Agency to hand over details of intercepted communications involving other American officials. On Monday Bolton admitted he made such requests '’on a couple of occasions, maybe a few more.'’ Bolton told the committee that his only motivation had been '’to better understand'’ a summary of an intercepted conversation, saying that on some occasions, ’’it’s important to find out who is saying what to whom.’’
New Questions Arise Over John Bolton
HeadlineApr 14, 2005