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American Student Tortured in Saudi Arabia Accuses FBI of Involvement

HeadlineMay 12, 2005

Lawyers for an American student charged with conspiring to kill President Bush say that Saudi officials tortured the student “at the direct behest” of the FBI, whose agents did nothing to stop the abuse. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali’s legal team filed motions this week saying the 24-year old was tortured while FBI agents were in Saudi Arabia to interview him in September 2003. They said the abuse came at the hands of the Saudi equivalent of the FBI. When Abu Ali complained to a US FBI agent, the agent reportedly stormed out of the room. The lawyers said Abu Ali was beaten, whipped and subjected to what they called “the most sadistic forms of psychological torture.” Defense attorneys have long argued that Abu Ali was tortured while in Saudi custody before being flown back to the United States to face terrorism charges in February. The government says Abu Ali confessed to the assassination plot against Bush. He insists he is innocent. Abu Ali’s trial is scheduled for Aug. 22.

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