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CARICOM Calls for Yvon Neptune’s Release

HeadlineMay 13, 2005

Now to the dire situation of ousted Haitian Prime Minister Yvon Neptune who is on day 25 of a hunger strike in a Haitian jail. The Caribbean Community, known as CARICOM, has officially called on the provisional Haitian government to release Neptune immediately. It is the group’s second such call in 3 months. CARICOM also called for the release of other officials of the government of Jean Bertrand Aristide. Among them is former Interior Minister Jocelerme Privert, who recently started a hunger strike himself. CARICOM also urged the interim government to release several Lavalas activists. Neptune is now reported to be very near death with a top UN official saying Neptune can barely walk or talk and is in and out of consciousness.

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