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Rep. Cunningham Subpoenaed, Faces Multiple Investigations

HeadlineJun 21, 2005

California Republican Congressmember Randy “Duke” Cunningham officially informed the House of Representatives on Monday that he’s been served with a document subpoena in California and plans to comply with it. A spokesperson for Cunningham said the subpoena concerned constituent casework, adding that it was unrelated to a real estate transaction by Cunningham that federal authorities in California are investigating. A federal grand jury has reportedly convened in his home state to look into the November 2003 sale of Cunningham’s home to Mitchell Wade, president of the defense contracting firm MZM Incorporated. Cunningham is a member of the defense appropriations subcommittee. He sold the home to Wade for $1.7 million. Wade put the house back on the market shortly after buying it, and took a $700,000 loss on it a year after the initial sale. About the same time, little-known MZM began receiving large government contracts. Last Wednesday, the North County Times learned that MZM President Wade owns a 42-foot yacht named “Duke-Stir” in a marina slip that Cunningham rents, and on which he stays at least part of the time when he is doing business in Washington. When his aides were asked for an explanation and an interview with Cunningham on the issue, the congressman instead e-mailed a brief statement to the North County Times in which he said that he is paying Wade for the use of the boat. Under House rules, members must alert the House when they receive a subpoena.

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