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Rep. Tom Tancredo: Bomb Mecca

HeadlineJul 19, 2005

Republican Congressmember Tom Tancredo of Colorado is under fire for comments he made last week on a radio show where he said the US could threaten to “take out” Islamic holy sites if Muslim fundamentalists were to attack the US. On a Florida radio show, Tancredo was asked how the country should respond if terrorists were to strike several U.S. cities with nuclear weapons. He responded, “If this happens in the United States, and we determine that it is the result of extremist, fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their holy sites.” The interviewer then asks, “You’re talking about bombing Mecca,” to which Tancredo replies “Yeah.” The congressmember went on to say that he was “just throwing out some ideas” but that an “ultimate threat” might have to be met with what he called an “ultimate response.” After massive outcry over his remarks, Tancredo released a statement saying he was simply trying to figure out what the United States could use as a threat to deter future attacks. As for the bombing of Mecca, Tancredo’s statement said “I do not advocate this. Much more thought would need to be given to the potential ramifications of such a horrific response.” Tancredo is reportedly considering running for president. He is known for his sustained attacks on undocumented immigrants.

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