In Washington, speculation is growing that President Bush’s chief advisor Karl Rove may have played a role in the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame. Rove’s attorney, Robert Luskin, has admitted that Rove personally spoke with Matthew Cooper from Time Magazine about Plame but Luskin insists that Rove did not disclose her identity. Disclosing an undercover agent is a federal crime. Cooper — along with Judith Miller from the New York Times — are both facing up to four months in jail for refusing to disclose their sources about the story. However Cooper’s employer — Time Magazine — last week agreed to hand over a copy of Cooper’s notes. in those notes it reportedly reveals that Cooper spoke with Rove. On Sunday New York Senator Charles Schumer called on Rove to personally deny leaking the name of a CIA official. Up until now the Bush administration has claimed Rove had no role in the case. On October 10, 2003 White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Rove was “not involved in this.”
Report: Karl Rove Linked to Outing of CIA Agent
HeadlineJul 05, 2005