Violence has also increased on the streets of New Orleans. Armed citizens have reportedly taken over some of the relief sites. Shots have been fired at police officers and rescue helicopters. There have been reports of rapes, murders and carjackings. Residents continue to break into stores in search of everything from food and water to guns to luxury items. The White House announced it would have zero tolerance for looters–even for those taking essential items needed to stay alive. Louisiana Governor’s Kathleen Blanco warned that troops had orders to shoot to kill. She said “These troops are fresh back from Iraq, well trained, experienced, battle tested and under my orders to restore order in the streets. She went on to say “They have M-16s and they are locked and loaded. “These troops know how to shoot and kill and they are more than willing to do so if necessary and I expect they will.”
Governor Gives Troops Shoot-to-Kill Orders
HeadlineSep 02, 2005