The Dean of Students at Harvard Law School said this week that military recruiters will be allowed back on the school’s campus after the school was threatened by the Pentagon that it would lose federal funds if it did not allow recruiters on the grounds. Harvard Law has had a policy of barring the Pentagon from using the law school’s career services office for recruiting, on the grounds that the Pentagon’s “don’t ask don’t tell” policy against gay people violates the guidelines on nondiscrimination that the school requires of recruiters on campus. A decade-old federal law, called the Solomon Amendment, requires campuses to offer full recruiting access to the military or risk losing federal grants. But that law is in limbo. Last year, the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals sided with several law schools who had sued to overturn the law on free speech grounds.
Harvard Lets Military recruiters back on Campus
HeadlineSep 22, 2005