In other FEMA news, the Salt Lake City Tribune is reporting that last week — while New Orleans was desperately calling for help, FEMA sent 1,000 firefighters to Atlanta for an all-day class on topics such as community relations and sexual harassment. Instead of being sent to New Orleans, the firefighters were being trained to be community relations officers for FEMA. Their main job — once they got to the Gulf Coast — was to disseminate FEMA fliers Some firefighters went to the press and complained that they were being underutilized. FEMA lashed out at those firefighters who spoke out. FEMA spokeswoman Mary Hudak said “I would go back and ask the firefighter to revisit his commitment to FEMA, to firefighting and to the citizens of this country.
Firefighters Complain Over FEMA’s Handling of Crisis
HeadlineSep 08, 2005