In Mexico, the Zapatista rebel army has launched a six-month tour of poor and indigenous communities across the country. The Zapatistas have dubbed the tour “The Other Campaign”, a reference to the run-up to the country’s presidential elections in July.
The group says it will not take part in the elections, but is using the tour to help promote a shift away from armed conflict and towards the formation of a nationwide leftist political movement. Zapatista leader Marcos also announced he was dropping “Subcomandante” from his name in favor of “Delegate Zero”, saying he no longer wanted to take on a military title.
- Zapatista leader Marcos, formerly Subcommande, in Palanque Tuesday: “The governments that we have, aside from lying to us and robbing from us, taking what little we have, they put high prices on what we buy. And the things we produce as farmers or as workers they pay a pittance.”