The United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annan is urging the United States to shut down the Guantanamo Bay prison camp “as soon as is possible.” His comments came in response to a new report by UN investigators calling for U.S. to close the camp. Kofi Annan said the Bush administration could not hold hundreds of prisoners in jail without charges in perpetuity. “Charges have to be brought against them, and (they) be given a chance to explain themselves, and prosecuted, charged, or released, I think is something that is, common under any legal system,” Annan said. “And I think sooner or later, there will be a need to close the Guantanamo and I think, it will be up to the government to decide, hopefully to do it as soon as is possible.” White House spokesperson Scott McClellan dismissed the new UN report. “The United Nations should be making serious investigations across the world, and there are many instances when they do, when it comes to human rights. This was not one of them,” said McClellan. “And I think it’s a discredit to the U.N. when a team like this goes about rushing to report something when they haven’t even looked into the facts. All they have done is look at the allegations.”
Kofi Annan Calls for U.S. To Close Guantanamo
HeadlineFeb 17, 2006