The Associated Press has obtained confidential video footage of President Bush’s final briefing before Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast. It shows the President was given dire warnings the storm could breach levees and threaten the lives of residents of New Orleans. The briefing occurred on August 28th — one day before Katrina hit. On the video, President Bush is seen watching the briefing via a videoconference from his Texas ranch. The President does not ask one single question throughout the briefing, yet concludes that the government is: “fully prepared.”
The video shows several federal, state and local officials issuing the warnings. Then-FEMA head Michael Brown tells the President and Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff: “My gut tells me … this is a bad one and a big one.” At another point in the briefing, , a weather expert says he has “grave concerns” on the levees in New Orleans. The video casts further doubt over the White House’s claim it wasn’t adequately warned about Katrina’s possible magnitude. On September 1st, President Bush said: “I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees. They did anticipate a serious storm but these levees got breached and as a result much of New Orleans is flooded and now we’re having to deal with it and will.”
After viewing the video, New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin said: “I have kind of a sinking feeling in my gut right now… From this tape it looks like everybody was fully aware.” The White House is already trying to downplay the video. Presidential spokesperson Trent Duffy said: “I hope people don’t draw conclusions from the president getting a single briefing.”