Another day, another anti-war heckler for British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Hours after returning home from a hostile reception in Beirut, Blair was interrupted Tuesday as he spoke before a group of British trade unionists.
- British Prime Minister Tony Blair: “We should be proud of what we are defending. We should be proud of what we are doing to support democrats in Iraq and are proud of it. And proud also, you should be, of the work trade unions are doing in this country to support trade unions in Iraq and Afghanistan who have got trade union rights for the first time.” “If you don’t mind me saying so, since I am on this subject, you can hold up your posters about troops out but the reason troops are in is because the democratic Governments of Iraq and Afghanistan need our troops to protect their people against the Taliban and al Qaeda. I think we are warming up a bit here.” (TO A HECKLER) “Yeah you were warmed up already, but I’m just getting there.”
Dozens of audience members stood up and walked out of the room. Blair’s speech comes one day after a protester interrupted him at a Beirut press conference over his support for Israel’s invasion of Lebanon.