My 9th grade Humanities students have just begun a very brief study of European imperialism in Africa, and today’s story (March 6th, 2007, segment:Ghana Celebrates 50 Years of Independence: Pan-African Leader Kwame Nkrumah In His Own Words & His Son Gamal Nkrumah Reflects On His Father’s Legacy) is a great piece in that it focuses on resistance and provides students some hope (after seeing a video depicting the truly horrifying realities of colonialism). So far I’ve only showed it to a small group of students who met for the first time today after school as part of a Humanities enrichment class; but the opportunity to see/hear Kwame Nkrumah, an African leader, speaking so forcefully and directly against the very things we’re studying are just too great for me to not show the whole class tomorrow.”
-Joanna Sapir, High School Teacher