In environmental news, the United States is battling to stop world leaders at next month’s G8 meeting from pushing for urgent talks on a new deal to fight global warming. Reuters is reporting the Bush administration wants to delete references in G8 documents that describe the urgency of the climate crisis and that call for a new U.N. conference on the issue. The United States is trying to get the following paragraph deleted from G8 documents. It reads: “We firmly agree that resolute and concerted international action is urgently needed in order to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and sustain our common basis of living.” The Bush administration has also objected to most references to targets and timetables to cut climate-warming carbon emissions. This includes an effort by Germany to get rich nations to agree to cut energy consumption by 20 percent by 2020 and raise energy efficiency in transport and power generation by the same amount over the same period.
U.S. Fights Global Warming Efforts Ahead of G8 Meeting
HeadlineMay 22, 2007