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Israel Dismisses Truce Talks, Launches Attacks

HeadlineMay 31, 2007

In Israel and the Occupied Territories, Israel has dismissed the prospect of a truce with Palestinian militants and continued its bombing attacks on Gaza. On Wednesday, two Hamas militants were killed in an Israeli strike. Meanwhile, the quartet of Middle East peace mediators urged support for the ceasefire at a meeting in Berlin.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon: “Looking ahead, the quartet discussed the calendar for the coming months to support and encourage progress on the bilateral and regional tracks. The quartet principals agree to meet in the region in turn with the Israelis and Palestinians to review progress and discuss the way forward. The quartet also agreed to meet in the region with members of the Arab League to follow up on the Arab peace initiative and efforts to advance the regional track.”

The appeal came as Israeli forces carried out what is being described as an extrajudicial execution in the middle of a crowded Palestinian street. Witnesses say undercover Israeli troops ambushed an off-duty Palestinian security officer in broad daylight in Ramallah. The officer, Mohamed Abdul Halim, was shot 24 times. Halim was reportedly carrying a weapon but never attempted to open fire. Palestinian Information Minister Mustafa Barghouti was present on the scene and had shots fired at his vehicle.

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