The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has released a major new report that concludes humans need to make sweeping cuts in greenhouse gas emissions over the next 50 years to keep global warming in check. The report was released in Bangkok after a week of negotiations.
IPCC Chair Rajendra Pachauri: “This report for the first time has dealt with lifestyles and consumption patterns as an important means by which we can bring about mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. Of course you can look at technology, you can look at policies, but what is an extremely powerful message in this report is the need for human society as a whole to start looking at changes in lifestyles and consumption patterns.”
The report is the third to be released this year by the U.N. panel, which draws on the work of 2,500 scientists. Bangkok is expected to be particularly hart hit by global warming. Researchers say the city could be partially under water within 20 years.
Smith Dharmasaroja, the head of Thailand’s National Disaster Warning Center: “If nothing can be done, Bangkok will be at least 50 centimeters or one meter under water. The system has to be started right now; otherwise, it is too late to protect our capital city from sinking.”