Pakistani authorities are warning the Bush administration not to carry out attacks inside Pakistan in its hunt for Osama bin Laden. Foreign office spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam said any attack inside Pakistan would be unacceptable.
Tasnim Aslam: “We do not want our efforts to be undermined by any ill-conceived action from any quarter that is inconsistent with the principles of international law and would be deeply resented in the tribal areas and generally in Pakistan. Such action, as we have already stated, will be irresponsible and dangerous.”
On Sunday, White House homeland security adviser Frances Townsend refused to rule out U.S. attacks inside Pakistan. Meanwhile in Afghanistan, the Taliban is continuing to hold 23 South Korean hostages and a German man. The Taliban is threatening to begin executing the hostages if Seoul and Berlin don’t pull their troops out of Afghanistan. Most of the South Korean hostages are young and mainly female Christian aid workers.