On Sunday, the Pakistan’s Peoples Party announced Benazir Bhutto’s son and husband would take over the leadership of the party. Bhutto’s son, Bilawal Bhutto-Zardawi is a nineteen-year-old student at Oxford.
Bilawal Bhutto-Zardawi: “I am thankful to the CEC for putting their trust in me as chairman of the PPP. Like all chairmen of the PPP, I will stand as the symbol of the Federation. The party’s long and historic struggle for democracy will continue with renewed vigor, and I stand committed to the stability of the Federation. My mother always said: Democracy is the best revenge.”
Benazir Bhutto’s husband Asif Ali Zardari called on elections to go ahead as scheduled.
Asif Ali Zardari: “Elections should not be postponed. We feel this is a way to vent the anger of the people. If Inshallah, the People’s Party, wins and we manage to make government, at least 30 percent of the people would have been met, this is a way to, one, cure to the negative energy which has evolved because of this great loss, and two, do something non-negative as such.”