President Bush hosted congressional leaders at the White House on Tuesday for talks on a $145 billion stimulus package for the economy.
President Bush: “I believe we can find common ground to get something done that’s big enough and effective enough so that an economy that is inherently strong gets a boost to make sure that this uncertainty doesn’t translate into, you know, more economic woes for our workers and small-business people.”
Most of the relief is said to focus on tax breaks for individuals, with some money for unemployment benefits and food stamps. On the campaign trail, Democratic hopeful John Edwards said the key to economic relief would come in addressing poverty.
John Edwards: “What has been missing in the American economy is any kind of thoughtfulness about over the long haul, we grow and strengthen the middle class and lift people out of poverty. Those two things together are absolutely crucial. And usually, by the way, when you are doing one, you are doing the other.”
Meanwhile, Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said long-term recovery hinges on abolishing taxes completely.
Mike Huckabee: “The long-term economic recovery of this nation is getting rid of the IRS completely. I’d like to make it so that April 15th is just another beautiful spring day in Atlanta, as well as the rest of the country.”