Here in New York, a student sit-in at New School University is winding down after school officials agreed to several demands. The students have been occupying a school dining hall since Wednesday, calling for the resignation of New School President Bob Kerrey and a greater voice on campus. The student protesters’ website says school officials have agreed not to press charges, implement a socially responsible investing committee and increase the role of student voices in school decisions.
New School student Dave Shukla: “It is, by far, one of the most vicious corporate campaigns to turn what has been a progressive and outstanding academic institution into a money-making machine. As a result, not only do we not have a library, we don’t have any student space, any common space to study. It’s finals week. The only space we have is a cafe and a cafeteria. And in his infinite wisdom, after firing for the fifth time in eight years the provost, the chief academic officer at the New School, Bob Kerrey appointed himself to be the provost as well as the president.”