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Obama Expected to Sweep “Potomac Primary”

HeadlineFeb 12, 2008

On the campaign trail, Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia hold contests today in what’s known as the “Potomac primary.” Democratic Senator Barack Obama is expected to follow his weekend sweep of five states with another string of wins. On Monday, Obama gave his stump speech to a large crowd at the University of Maryland.

Sen. Barack Obama: “This is our time. And if you will stand with me, if you will work alongside with me, if you will vote for me on Tuesday, then I promise you this: we will not just win Maryland, we will win the Democratic nomination, we will win the general election, and you and I together, we will go forward to change this country and change the world.”

The Clinton campaign is already looking ahead to several key primaries next month, including Texas and Ohio. Also campaigning in Maryland, Clinton said she was the best candidate to defeat Republican frontrunner John McCain.

Sen. Hillary Clinton: “Because it’s going to take all of us to win in November. There is absolutely no guarantee that we’re going to be able to assume that everyone knows how badly we need change. We’re going to have to work for it; we’re going to have to make the case. Senator McCain apparently is the Republican nominee, and he will run an aggressive and vigorous campaign. We have to start imagining right now what it will take for our nominee to go toe-to-toe with John McCain on national security, on defense, on homeland security.”

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