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CIA Admits Used UK Territory for Rendition Flights

HeadlineFeb 22, 2008

The CIA has admitted the United States used the British territory of Diego Garcia during two extraordinary rendition flights in 2002. For years, the US had denied ever using any British airspace or territory for the secret flights, but a recent US investigation uncovered two flights that stopped in Diego Garcia. The CIA continues to deny allegations that the US maintains a secret prison on the island in the Indian Ocean. British Foreign Secretary David Miliband broke the news to MPs on Thursday.

David Miliband: “Contrary to earlier explicit assurances that Diego Garcia had not been used for rendition flights, recent US investigations have now revealed two occasions, both in 2002, when this had in fact occurred. An error in the earlier U.S. records search meant these cases did not come to light. In both cases, a single US plane, with a single detainee on board, refueled at the US facility in Diego Garcia.”

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown expressed “disappointment” about the news.

bq.Gordon Brown: “Well, the United States has expressed regret that it did not know at the time of these renditions through Diego Garcia. The foreign secretary has made a very full statement in the House of Commons about the circumstances surrounding it. He’s also ordered further investigation into what may or may not have happened and will report back to the House of Commons, and we’ve got to assure ourselves that those procedures will never happen again.”

Opposition politicians in Britain said the case undermines the credibility of the British and US governments. Conservative Party politician Andrew Tyrie said that the matter “will leave the British public unwilling to trust other assurances we have received from the US.”

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