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Three Arrested Protesting Peru Trade Deal at Clinton Office

HeadlineFeb 28, 2008

Three activists were arrested Tuesday after they shut down a New York building containing one of Senator Hillary Clinton’s offices. The activists chained themselves to the building’s doors. They denounced Clinton for supporting the Peru free trade agreement while campaigning as an opponent of NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement. Adam Weissman of the Wetlands’ Activist Collective spoke while chained to a door.

Adam Weissman: “Hillary Clinton is a hypocrite. She’s telling us that NAFTA needs to be reformed at the same time she supported a free trade agreement that is just as bad as NAFTA and in many ways worse — for workers, for the environment, for family farmers, for people with AIDS. Hillary Clinton now thinks it’s a good soundbite to oppose NAFTA when it helps her in the primaries. But when it really mattered, she stood in support of a free trade agreement that will doom the Amazon rainforest, that will kill people with AIDS by denying them access to life-saving medications.”

In December, the Democratic Senate approved the Peru free trade deal by a vote of seventy-seven to eighteen. Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama missed the vote but expressed their support for the deal. Last week in Peru, farmers held a two-day national strike to protest the pending trade deal. Four farmers died, and 700 were arrested.

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