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Clinton Wins Penn. Primary

HeadlineApr 23, 2008

Senator Hillary Clinton has won the Pennsylvania primary, beating Senator Barack Obama by ten percentage points. Clinton received 55 percent of the vote, Obama had 45 percent. Pennsylvania was seen as a must-win state for Clinton.

Sen. Clinton: “Today, here in Pennsylvania, you made your voices heard. And because of you, the tide is turning. We were up against a formidable opponent, who outspent us three-to-one. He broke every spending record in this state trying to knock us out of the race. Well, the people of Pennsylvania had other ideas today.”

The race now heads to Indiana and North Carolina, which both hold primaries on May 6th. Senator Barack Obama spent Tuesday night in Evansville, Indiana, where he addressed supporters in a speech largely focused on the presumptive Republican nominee John McCain.

Sen. Obama: “We can’t afford to play the same Washington games with the same Washington players and expect a different result. Not this time. Not now. We already know what we’re getting out of the other party’s nominee. John McCain has offered this country a lifetime of service, and we respect that. But what he’s not offering is any meaningful change from the policies of George W. Bush.”

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