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Clinton, Obama Campaign in Florida

HeadlineMay 22, 2008

On the Democratic side, Senator Barack Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton were both in Florida Wednesday courting the state’s uncounted voters. The Democratic Party has refused to seat Florida and Michigan’s delegates for holding their primaries ahead of schedule. Speaking in Boca Raton, Clinton said the votes should be counted.

Sen. Hillary Clinton: “I believe that both Senator Obama and myself have an obligation as potential Democratic nominees — in fact, we all have an obligation as Democrats — to carry on this legacy and ensure that in our nominating process every voice is heard and every single vote is counted.”

Clinton may take her campaign to the Democratic convention, despite Obama’s seemingly insurmountable lead. Addressing a rally in Tampa, Obama maintained his refusal to declare himself the outright nominee but said he is on the threshold of victory.

Sen. Barack Obama: “We marked a significant moment in our campaign where we achieved a majority of the pledged delegates that are assigned in this election. And so, we are at the threshold of being able to attain this nomination.”

A new Reuters-Zogby poll gives Obama an eight-point lead over McCain nationwide.

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